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Washington State L&I Claims Management Services

We take care of claims from start to finish

You’re typically an employer experiencing unusually high L&I industrial insurance premiums if you have or have had costly claims against your business.

Stop Claims is unique in our strategies and helps businesses like yours with claim cost containment and premium reduction. Most workplace injuries are legitimate, but even legitimate claims can take a life of their own. Stop Claims reviews all benefit decisions to ensure that the benefits paid are fair, reasonable, and curative. If the decisions are not appropriate, we actively petition, protest, and appeal claim decisions all the way to the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals (BIIA). Our litigation paralegals are experts in negotiating decisions from the Department through the mediation process with the BIIA- which significantly reduces legal fees.

Our process includes:

  • Reviewing every decision that comes from Labor and Industries to make sure benefits are fair and reasonable for each injury
  • Managing claims and costs with nurse case managers and paralegals to ensure you have both medical and legal arguments to establish a prima facie case when necessary
  • Mitigating the cost of each claim to reduce overall insurance premiums
  • Offering vocational support to get the employee back to work quickly
  • Navigating light duty or modified duties at work
  • Assisting with Stay at Work reimbursement programs
  • Managing the employer’s overall administrative duties
  • Liaising for all communications with L&I
  • Apportioning third party claims and ensuring maximum settlement credit to the employer